What is the difference between Pickleball and Padel?

Pickleball and padel are both racket sports, but they have several key differences:

Court Size and Shape:

Pickleball: Pickleball is typically played on a rectangular court that is 10m wide and 20m long (including both the service and non-volley zones). The net is positioned at a height of 36 inches at the sidelines and 34 inches in the centre.

Padel: Padel is played on a smaller, enclosed court that is 10m wide and 20m long. The court is surrounded by walls made of glass or solid materials, which players use to their advantage in rallies.

Racket and Ball:

Pickleball: Players use solid paddles made of materials like wood, composite, or graphite. The ball used in pickleball is similar to a wiffle ball, with small holes in it, made of plastic.

Padel: Padel players use solid rackets, with small holes, typically weighing around 350 to 400 grams. The ball used in padel is similar to a tennis ball, but slightly depressurised to reduce its speed.


Pickleball: Pickleball can be played in both singles and doubles formats. Points can only be scored when the serving team wins a rally. Games are usually played to 11 points, and a team must win by at least two points.

Padel: Padel is usually played in doubles format. The scoring system is similar to tennis, with games played to 6. The tiebreaker is played if the score reaches 6-6.


Pickleball: The serve in pickleball must be an underhand motion, and it must clear the non-volley zone on the opposing side of the net.

Padel: In padel, the serve is an underhand motion, and it must bounce off the ground before hitting the wall. Additionally, the serve must clear the net and land within the opponent's service box.

Rules and Playstyle:

Pickleball: Pickleball is known for its fast-paced and strategic gameplay, with players often staying close to the net and using dinks and volleys.

Padel: Padel has elements of tennis and squash and is played with walls, which allows for more varied shot angles and rebound strategies. It is known for its fun and sociable atmosphere.

Popularity and Origin:

Pickleball: Pickleball originated in the United States in the 1960s and has gained popularity around the world, particularly among older players.

Padel: Padel originated in Mexico in the 1960s and has become extremely popular in Spain and other European countries, as well as in some Latin American countries.

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